Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Blog Post 1: News and Information

 Social Media: One of my five sources of news and information is Facebook. I use Facebook to keep in touch with my family and friends, who often share many different viewpoints on news and information. Facebook makes it easy to share articles and websites, although filtering out what is credible can be challenging. Many people use Facebook as a source of information to keep in touch with family members and know what’s going on news-wise with family. I would recommend Facebook to people because it is a good way to keep in touch with family receipts, events and even some famous events. You can friend whoever you want, which is nice so you can filter your stream of what you see. Facebook is pop culture but it is a great way to keep in touch with news within the family and friends. 

Instagram is a second source of news and information I use on social media. It is similar to Instagram in keeping in touch with family, but you can also follow famous people, pages, or companies to stay informed. Celebrities are huge on Instagram and have most of their following here and like to keep fans updated with information about their lives. Companies also use Instagram to promote products and keep followers updated on new products or new products in general. It is a great source of news even though there can be a lot of fake posts and false news spread so you do need to be careful of what you take in as true media. Instagram is a way a lot of people inform others which is why it is such a good way to take in news. 

New York Times: This is a news source I check often once a month or even less. It is more to keep myself updated on daily events I do not see on TikTok of, Instagram or Facebook. It keeps up with worldly events. When reading the New York Times, I never have to doubt the information im taking in is false due to the credibility with the name. The latest article I read was “Americans Are Losing Faith in the Value of Higher Education. Why?” I found this article retable as many oif my high school friends did not go to college and felt this way 3 years ago, but it was seen as almost weird and different but now it is very popular to not go to college. As someone in college, I do not feel this way, but it is good to keep myself informed on the different perspectives of others. The New York Times is good at keeping their articles on various topics for all. 

Podcasts: This is a way I take in my news when I am busy and want some pop culture news or even current event news. There are many different types of podcasts you can listen to podcasts on Apple Music or Spotify, Audible, or Google Podcasts. News sources also create podcasts for people without time to sit down and read an article or newspaper. Podcasts are great when doing house tasks, driving, or as background noise to keep yourself updated. Some podcasts are Pop Culture Happy hour, The Daily, BFFS podcast. As any female college student, I love to keep myself updated in celebrity drama and events.  BFFs podcast is one of my favorite podcasts that keeps me updated on almost all pop culture events. 

Glamorous: This is a very girly type of news that I will look at from time to time. Glamorous is The latest on style, beauty, celebs, and more. The have information on celebrity news and drama, wellness, culture, style, shopping, beauty and even some videos. They keep you updated on the latest beauty and fashion trends with what celebrities do and what new makeup brand to try next. I don't check this often, but I definitely do come across time to time. They even have features with celebrities in some of their videos. It is good to keep up with these types of things on something other than social media. 

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