Sunday, October 22, 2023

Living in the age of AI: Blog 10

 During the video, I learned all about Artificial Intelligence's past, present and future. We are officially living in the age of AI, and everything we know is about to change if it has not already.  AI has come a long way since 1951 when the first documented success of an AI computer program

was written by Christopher Strachey, whose checkers program completed a whole game on the Ferranti Mark I computer at the University of Manchester. AI's popularity started in 2016 with a program called AlphaGo, designed to teach itself the machine learned moves and patterns against itself and won every single time. This invention has forever changed the world. Sadly all the more uptake in AI will be much more rapid, and 50% of jobs will be threatened by AI. Many jobs have already been replaced by computers and technology. Many people work two jobs as it is right now to support themselves and their families.
The standard of living has dropped 10-15%, which is genuinely saddening, putting people at a greater risk of depression and illness after losing their jobs due to AI. So is AI helping or hurting us. The good news is that the jobs taken by AI still have to be monitored by a human so although one job was taken, another was created but it is still a sad truth to face. Due to these jobs being taken the new generation must learn a whole new set of skills than we already know. AI is still a silent job killer but is much more silent when we think.

    Technology listens to us. Yep, you heard that right whatever you are reading this on is listening to your searches, your voice, everything. There is no escaping the devices; the future is devices. AI is a lot smarter than we think it can detect faces, voices, and body language and track it to a person which is horrifying. There is no such thing as privacy anymore anywhere we go. There are cameras and AI-generated work. Technology is adapting at a rapid pace AI can tell a change in our voices now if we are in a good mood or mad or angry. The world today is already dominated by two AI-dominated forces. AI doesn't always have to be wrong it can help push us as a society in the right way but it also can be taken advantage of and used for harm. We must be careful as a society to ensure

we keep AI being used for good because it could be crucial to the world. AI has helped in medicine As a result of AI healthcare, people's interactions with medical experts are already altering. Thanks to extensive data processing capabilities, AI can identify diseases more quickly and accurately, advance and speed up the development of medications, and even monitor patients via virtual nursing assistants. AI in education will alter how people of all ages learn. Artificial intelligence (AI) uses machine learning, natural language processing, and facial recognition to digitize textbooks, detect plagiarism, and monitor student moods to determine which pupils are struggling and which are bored. Artificial Intelligence is changing the world forever and this is a huge stepping stone for us I am interested in seeing where the world will take AI.

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