Sunday, October 22, 2023

EOTO Presentation: Blog Post 11

 We learned about different types of awareness, mediasphere, theories, and policies during class presentations. Each group went over a different category and each person chose a subcategory. I learned a lot I had never heard about during these presentations.

 One that really caught my attention was disinformation; disinformation is information that is maliciously shared by someone who knows it is untrue and knows it to be false. Some causes of disinformation are the collapse of traditional business models, The digital transformation of newsrooms and storytelling, and the Creation of new news ecosystems. Some types of disinformation are satire, false context, imposter context, manipulated context, and fabricated content. Disinformation has impacted a number of things, including our ability to combat climate change, sustain a stable democracy, and enhance public health. By offering insightful information on how and why we are likely to believe. 

    Another type of awareness I learned was propaganda, a tool used to push a particular idea onto people, and it has been around for a very long time. It is used in order to communicate a specific idea to people. During this presentation about propaganda, we learned about the Smith-Mundt Act Moderation, a law that went into place in July 2013. The Smith-Mundt Act Moderation is amending the U.S. Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948. Propaganda today is still around. Some daily examples are the COVID-19 pandemic, War in Ukraine, Political Campaign posters, and Anti-smoking and drug campaign ads/posters. This has never crossed my mind when seeing or thinking of one of this propaganda. Propaganda aims to influence people's opinions and change their minds and opinions on certain things. Propaganda is used a lot in our day-to-day lives, and it is even used with the government they can use propaganda to get us to sway one way or another on a topic or severe matter. During this presentation, I learned so much about awareness.

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