Thursday, September 28, 2023

Blog Post 6: The Progressive Era

 These websites were eye-opening to me. I have never seen sources with such strong antiwar opinions.

 All of the sources in ANTIWAR.COM  and  The American Conservative are new blogs and research done on these issues that are need nowhere in the mainstream news. Nothing of this sort has crossed paths with me on social media or any type of social media. In one of the articles I clicked on was about the rejection of banning cluster bombs. The amendment was defeated by a vote of 160-269, with only
85 Republicans and 75 Democrats voting in favor. If you did not know what a cluster bomb is  , Bomblets, the small submunitions used in cluster bombs, are put over a vast region. They are so harmful to citizens. Numerous submunitions do not explode immediately upon impact and can be discovered years or decades later; most commonly, they are found by children. Over 100 nations have banned cluster bombs because of their indiscriminate nature. So why not in the US? We actually tried to ban cluster bombs by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) after we dropped cluster bombs in Ukraine. The question of why this is happening and why we didn't ban these issues is even more vital. It is because issues like this are kept from news sources from mainstream journalism and from regular civilians. This is one of the main concerns shown from mainstream media. 

In research Jon Schwarz, a writer at The Intercept what he thinks about war and social media. Schwarz mentioned  an anthropological concept called “social silence.” The topics that are talked about the most in every culture are those that are most significant but the truth is that it's the complete opposite. Sadly, this is the truth about most things in the media which is why you have to seek out things like this. Things people don't want to hear are often hidden from the media. 

Regarding the government, the media's ability to accurately report on wars involving its own state is likely to rely heavily on domestic elite sources in the military and government. Based off what the government allows to be posted a lot of it can be censored or have limited information shown to the public about the topic. 

 If you notice the website linked is very cluttered and very unorganized, and this is because it is hidden from people you have to dig to get this information. It is crazy how much important information about our country is hidden from us. I noticed that these websites aren't owned by any big media companies and all of the writers linked are very strong Antiwar but why is this hidden from mainstream media. 

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