Sunday, September 10, 2023

Blog Post #3 Eight Values of Free Expression

In today's day and age free speech is very important, which is why Promote Innovation and Individual Self-Fulfillment are the two that stand out to me the most of the eight important values of free speech. Which is the protection and value of free speech and that it is likely to be more energized, creative, and interesting. It's about people expressing themselves in diverse and interesting ways, which relates to Individual Self-Fulfillment in that you need to know who you are and your identity. 

Everyone has their own identity and their own thoughts and ideas, which is why the value of free speech is so important and relates to the two values of speech. As both of these relate back to the First Amendment with the right of free speech, citizens' speech can be presented in any way, like words, actions, or speech. Everyone has their own creative ways and ideas, which is why promoting innovation and Individual Self-Fulfillment are so important. 

The First Amendment is a right by all, “The First Amendment today protects the overlapping realms of the spirit—of belief, emotion, and reason—and of political activity against intrusion by government.” The freedom of being who you are and showing your personality through clothes, what you post, and what you write is a fundamental human right and essential for people's protection and enjoyment. This world would be highly different if people couldn't express themselves freely. Your freedom of speech is linked directly to who you are. Everyone has their own thoughts and slogans, think of any person you know, and you can relate their thoughts and speech to who they are, which connects to their personality. 

It is seen all over today in Individual Self-Fulfillment a lot of problems in society have occurred from the right to form your own beliefs and opinions. People can say and do whatever they please as long at it is not breaking a law. We all have seen people post things or say things we don't believe in ourselves, but it is a right to form your opinions and beliefs. For example, we have all seen internet fights where everything nowadays is recorded we can all think of a situation or video we heard two people going at it, fighting verbally. This is an expression of speech by expressing their feelings as long as it's not verbal abuse or a hate crime. 

We see people today in protests of LGBTQWomen's rights and Black Lives Matter at rallies and parades. People go to express themselves and what they believe in. We also see this in the press; people have the right to post or say what they want on the internet. Freedom of speech is essential to every person and helps define who you are Promote Innovation and Individual Self-Fulfillment stand out to me the most out of the eight important values of free speech. 

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